"A hyper-realistic humanoid character inspired by a zebra, designed to embody natural elegance and agility. The character has a lean, athletic humanoid physique covered in short, striped fur with bold black and white patterns, reflecting a zebra’s natural coat. Their face blends human and zebra traits, featuring a strong jawline, a slightly elongated nose, and expressive eyes radiating focus and determination. Upright ears add to their alert and composed appearance. Their posture is upright and agile, suggesting speed and readiness. Their hands and feet have subtle hoof-like elements, enhancing their resilience and connection to their animal origins. The character wears lightweight, nature-inspired attire crafted from woven fibers and leather, adorned with patterns reminiscent of zebra stripes. They stand in an open savanna, with golden sunlight filtering through tall grass, creating soft shadows on their striped form. The atmosphere highlights their agility, strength, and harmony with the wild, emphasizing their connection to nature and their graceful presence."
종횡비 9:16
스타일 사실적
예술성 100
혼란도 0
기이함 0
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